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If you have a learning disability or a physical disability, you may be eligible for certain discounts and concessions when out and about. There are also grants available to support you with extra care and costs. Disability charity Scope estimates that daily life costs an average of £583 more per month for disabled adults, compared to adults who do not have a disability. Families with disabled children have to spend an average of £581 per month more than families without disabled children; for a quarter of families, this figure is over £1000 per month. Alongside benefits from the Government, discounts, concessions, and grants can help to ease some of the financial burden for disabled people and their families.
The club is free to join only for our registered members. Enjoy lots of benefits from joining this club, share information with others in a private Facebook group, and receiving exclusive members-only deals. We will explore lots of different offers available to you, from the Max Card to huge savings on family days out, we will help you access them because every little bit helps.

Do you need support to fill in forms and practical help to access discounts? Sometimes all the paperwork involved with being a carer becomes overwhelming. This is why we have created a special support package for those who need help to stay on track with all the paperwork. For only £4.99 per month, you will receive a starter pack, a checklist, and all the information you need all year round about what you are entitled to claim for you and your family. You will have access to updates and one-to-one support to fill out forms and we will talk you through complex applications and explain the jargon (e.g. Disability Living Allowance, (DLA). It is individually tailored specifically to your family and your unique circumstances to help find just the right level of provision.


The purple pound refers to the spending power of disabled households in the UK and Globally. A disabled household is a household in which at least one of the members has a disability. There is a £274 billion pounds a year spending power by people with disability & families. Businesses are losing out by not creating products and services that cater for disabled people and are not inclusive.
We are passionate about helping local businesses where you live understand the lives of disabled young people, and their families and how minor changes can make a world of difference. In turn, these businesses will help families live in a more inclusive society where inclusive thinking is not a special provision but the norm. Where most discount cards target a specific member of the family, this card will deliver discounts and opportunities for the whole family and enable spend more time together.

For more information on the WE ARE PURPLE campaign by Mike Adams, visit www.wearepurple.org.uk or CLICK HERE Also visit the charity, SCOPE’s website for information on their research: CLICK HERE