Why register with us?

Register with us and get lots of SEND relation information, products and services. We will keep you up to date with everything going on in the SEND world and useful events coming up.

We ensure that families with a child/young person with special needs are kept fully informed of issues that may affect them, and to advise them of relevant new services and opportunities, families who register with us will receive regular emails about information (EHC plans, benefits, housing, short breaks/respite, play opportunities), one-to-one support, our services (mentoring, advocacy), wellbeing and wellness courses, therapeutic sessions (massage) and social events (drop-ins/coffee morning/evenings, dads group)

Subscribe to our social media pages

Make sure you register on all relevant platforms for updates from us and other agencies

Support Services

Do you need support to fill in forms and practical help to access discounts? Sometimes all the paperwork involved with being a carer becomes overwhelming. This is why we have created a special support package for those who need help to stay on track with all the paperwork. For only £4.99 per month, you will receive a starter pack, a checklist, and all the information you need all year round about what you are entitled to claim for you and your family. You will have access to updates and one-to-one support to fill out forms and we will talk you through complex applications and explain the jargon (e.g. Disability Living Allowance, (DLA). It is individually tailored specifically to your family and your unique circumstances to help find just the right level of provision.



Help us turn London PURPLE and make London a disability friendly place to live and work! Lets turn inclusion on its head, where inclusive products and services are not special provisions but the norm. The ‘purple pound’ refers to the spending power of disabled households in the UK and Globally. We will work with thousands of brands across London to recognise the needs of disabled customers who are their potential customers for their business. We will raise awareness and help reduce the cost of specialist products over time with the rise of demand. The annual card membership will be only £15 covering the whole family.


Group Buying Club

We know from extensive research from other charities that disabled or special needs products, equipment, and services are twice to ten times as expensive to buy. We will set a group buying list each month and negotiate with reputable companies for the best deal if small motivated members need to purchase highly priced equipment. These could include, adult size trike, group holidays, or venue hire. These will be one-off special deals for committed members to ensure we achieve the best deal.